
  • YUSUPOV Mashrab
  • RIZAEV Jasur Alimjanovich
  • ZIYADULLAEV Shuxrat Xudoyberdievich


interleukin, children, escherichiosis, inflammation, enteropathogenic E. coli


Objective: to study immunological changes in young children with escherichia by quantitative and qualitative study of inflammatory interleukins (hereinafter referred to as IL).

Research methods: 30 children aged 1 month to 3 years with escherichia were examined. Interleukins were studied in a sample taken from the peripheral vessels of children with escherichia. The amount of interleukins in the blood was determined by solid-phase enzyme immunoassay in the acute and early periods of convalescence of the disease. 20 healthy children, comparable in age, gender and premorbid background, were also examined for control.

The results obtained: a uniform increase in the amount of interleukins in the blood serum of children with escherichia was noted. In the early period of convalescence, we observed a decrease in the amount of all types of interleukins in the blood serum (r < 0.01). During the period of convalescence in the moderate form of the disease, the amount of IL-4 and IL-8 remained high, but during the examination.

Conclusions: Thus, there was an increase in the number of interleukins in the acute period of the disease in children with coliinfection developed as a result of escherichia. This showed that the severe form of the disease was significantly different from the moderate one (r < 0.01). The amount of interleukins in the blood serum of children with severe form of the disease significantly decreased during the convalescence period, but remained at a higher level than the values detected in healthy children (r < 0.01).


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