
  • BIYKUZIEVA Aziza Abdunabievna
  • ALIYEVA Dilfuza Akmalovna
  • МАVLYANOVA Zilola Frxadovna
  • RAVSHANOVA Maftuna Zoxidjonovna
  • BOTIROV Farhod Qodirovich


high-intensity magnetotherapy, knee joint sprains, sports injuries, combatants, rehabilitation in sports.


Aim. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the method of high-intensity magnetic therapy for sprains of the knee ligaments in athletes.

Methods. We examined 26 athletes involved in martial arts - judo, taekwondo and karate with different sports qualifications, who showed signs of knee sprain of 1 and 2 degrees. The main group included 13 athletes whose comprehensive rehabilitation program included procedures for high-intensity magnetotherapy Super Inductive System (SIS) on the device BTL 6000. The control group consisted of 13 athletes whose rehabilitation program was carried out without the inclusion of high-intensity magnetic therapy.

Results. An analysis of the indicators of the KOOS subscales at the beginning of rehabilitation treatment showed that the minimum score was observed in terms of "symptoms" - 49.6±7.2 in the main group and 52.8±13.9 in the control group, which can be explained by the presence of a pronounced pain syndrome in knee joint injury in the examined athletes. Also, due to the pain syndrome, there was a low score on the subscales "quality of life" - 62.9±14.1 and "sports activity" - 64.2±19.7. Athletes have changed their daily activity to the least extent, as evidenced by a slight increase in this indicator.

Conclusion.  A comparative analysis showed that when high-intensity magnetotherapy is introduced into the rehabilitation complex for combatants with knee joint problems, it leads to a quick and effective recovery, which can be seen from the dynamics of the indicators of the knee injury outcome scale - KOOS.


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