
  • TURSUNOV Odil Mamasamievich
  • JURAEV Mirzhalol Dekhkanovich
  • RAXIMOV Nodir Maxammatkulovich
  • KULIEV Aziz Abdumazhidovich


Klatskin's tumors, obstructive jaundice, palliative recanalization, hepatic cholangiostomy, radical surgery


Objective: To improve the results of treatment of patients with tumors of the proximal bile ducts through the use of surgery and interventional radiology.

Material and research methods. On the basis of the Samarkand branch RSSPMCOR, has experience in the complex treatment of 32 patients with tumors of the extrahepatic bile ducts of proximal localization for the period from 2014 to 2021.  Of these, 25 patients underwent palliative surgical interventions.  Including recanalization of the tumor with external drainage of the bile ducts was performed in 15 (46.87%) cases.  In 10 cases, the PTBD was performed as the final method of treatment.  Radical surgical treatment in 7 patients, in the volume of cholecystectomy with resection of the IV segment of the liver, resection of hepaticoholedochus together with the tumor and the formation of bihepaticojejunoanastomosis in 4 patients and 3 patients, cholecystectomy, resection of hepaticoholedochus with the formation of hepaticojejunostomy.

Research results.  Life expectancy after radical surgery: One-year survival rate 100%, up to two years - 4 (57.1%), up to three years survival rate - 2 patients (28.6%), up to five years - 1 (14.3%) but with a relapse into the anastomotic area.  Average life expectancy after palliative recanalization and external-internal drainage through the common hepatic duct 4 patients survived 12 ± 3 months.  With skin-through hepatic cholangiostomy, 3 patients survived 9 ± 3 months.

Conclusion: When diagnosing unresectable AF, the method of choice is decompression of the biliary tract with the help of PTCS, if possible with the use of external-internal drainage.


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