
  • TESHAEV Shukhrat Jumaevich
  • MUSTAFOEV Zafar Mustafoevich


renal corpuscles, nephron, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, polypharmacy


Objective: To study morphometric changes in the structure of the kidneys of white rats with polypharmacy with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Methods: The study was carried out on 50 male white rats, weighing from 210 to 320 g, kept in a vivarium with a standard diet, free access to water, and a normal lighting regime. The animals were divided into 3 groups.

Results: When comparing the morphometric parameters of the rats of the 3rd group with those of the 2nd group, a significant decrease was found. The area of ​​the renal corpuscle decreased 5.14%, 5.05%, 3.19% and 3.02%, the outer diameter of the proximal convoluted tubule decreased 8.13%, 6.11%, 4.08% and 3.42%, the diameter of the lumen of the tubule decreased by 6.33%, 5.09%, 3.12% and 3.08%, the outer diameter of the distal convoluted tubule decreased by 7.12%, 5.07%, 5.03% and 4.48%, the diameter of the lumen tubule decreased by 4.47%, 4.04%, 3.07% and 2.31%.

Conclusions. The presence of the effect of polypharmacy by anti-inflammatory drugs on the kidneys indicates that polypharmacy has a detrimental effect on urinary excretion, reduces urinary excretion and has a sufficient level of risk for the body.


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