
  • Yokutkhon Akhmadzhanovna Kamalova


football, basketball, temperament, athletes, phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine


Modern sport makes high and specific requirements for the mental qualities of athletes due to its inherent characteristics. Temperament determines: 1) the level of ability required for the highest achievements in big sports; 2) the qualitative uniqueness of the abilities required to achieve success in a narrow sports specialization; 3) dynamics, quality originality and individual style of sports activity with the same degree of perfection.

The level of stress during training depends in part on the personality type of a person: he is an extrovert or an introvert. One of the most pressing problems of training young basketball players is the need to improve the educational and training process aimed at increasing the effectiveness and quality of training. Introverts have restraint and endurance that instill confidence in the team.

Psychological peculiarities of football: the presence of hard physical contact together interrelated action partners, a variety of motor action and the variability of conditions for their implementation, make it attractive for persons with relatively high levels of aggressiveness, extroversion and plasticity.

This article discusses the temperament properties of athletes involved in football and basketball. The study involved 60 athletes (30 football players and 30 basketball players) of  boys and youths aged 13-15 years. The testing technique assumed the identification of types of higher nervous activity, as well as the influence of temperamen on sports activities.

Since the temperament of a person is directly related to the features of the nervous system, the study of psychology in groups of athletes becomes necessary. Influence of typological features of manifestation of properties of nervous system on strong-willed qualities (patience, persistence) of athletes.


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