
  • Zebo Rahimberdievna Jabbarova
  • Dilovar Sadriddinovna Burxanova


depression, adynamia, component, polymorphic apathy, psychological test


Depressive disorders are of interest to most researchers because of their prevalence and the fact that they are considered high-level psychosocial disorders. In modern psychiatry, the clinic of the adynamic component of depressive disorders is still not fully studied. Adynamic depression often has a long, chronic course. Psychopathological analysis of adynamic depression, identification of various variants of its course, helps to choose therapeutic tactics. Different approaches to the phenomenological and psychopathological understanding of adynamia make it difficult to clearly define its boundaries in the picture of depression, differentiation with other similar clinical manifestations of conditions. [1,6].  Recent studies indicate that the isolation of adynamia in the clinical picture requires special attention and special techniques.[9,13]. Difficulties in the diagnosis and prognostic assessment of depressions, including adynamic manifestations, determine the need to study adynamy in the structure of depression.


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