
  • Ergashova Madina Mukhtorovna
  • Shodikulova Gulandom Zikriyaevna


rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, diastolic dysfunction, traditional risk factors


The aim of the study is to identify the frequency of hemodynamic disturbances: left ventricular (LVDV) and right ventricular (VVD) dysfunction and to study the relationship with markers of inflammation in patients with RA and secondary OA. In 38% of patients with RA and secondary OA, LVDD was detected, in 15.5% - RVD. RVD are found mainly in combination with LVDD with a predominance of the first (I) type of LVDV. It was found that in patients with RA and secondary OA, the incidence of LVDV and RVD is high; therefore, CVS damage in RA and secondary OA is ubiquitous and is closely related to the activity of the inflammatory process and traditional risk factors.


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