gigantomastia, reduction mammoplasty, nipple-areolar complexAbstract
At the present stage of the development of plastic surgery, reductive mammoplasty should solve three main problems: resection of the excess volume of glandular tissue; elimination of nipple-areolar complex (Mac) ptosis; removal of excess elongated skin covering the gland.
Research objective: to study the results of reductive mammoplasty using a T-shaped incision in gigantomastia while maintaining the nipple-areolar complex. In the facial and plastic surgery department of the Bukhara regional Multidisciplinary Medical Center, 55 women aged 16 to 23 were diagnosed with "pronounced hypertrophy of both mammary glands" and operated on T-incision-assisted reduction mammoplasty from 2016 to the present. In the early and late postoperative period, complications from surgical wounds were not detected in those who underwent surgery using this method. Complaints of an aesthetic nature after the operation were in 1 woman, in this regard, a corrective operation was performed. Areola sensitivity was fully restored in 97.5% of patients. The average observation period is 1.7 years. In women who have undergone surgery, gigantomastia, sac necrosis has not been repeated.
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