Ключевые слова:
ВПЧЛО, изолированная расщелина нёба, изолированная расщелина губы, сочетанная расщелина нёба и губы, полиморфизм гена CYP1A1 (Ile462Val), аллель, частота, генотип, доля носительства, механизм развитияАннотация
The features of the polymorphism of the CYP1A1 gene (Ile462Val) among patients with HPV and healthy in Uzbekistan were studied. The polymorphism of the CYP1A1 gene (Ile462Val) was evaluated by analyzing DNA samples by staging a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in Real Time.
The results of the study conducted to study the features of Ile462Val polymorphism in the CYP1A1 gene among the studied groups of patients with HPV showed that functionally unfavorable minor allelic variant G and variant genotype G/G occur with a relatively high frequency exceeding their values in the group of healthy individuals. More frequent carriage of these variants may indicate the presence of a tendency to increase the risk of developing an isolated cleft palate (Q35; for allele G - χ2=1.8; P=0.2 and genotype G/G - χ2=2.7; P=0.1) and lips (Q36; for allele G - χ2=3.4; P=0.1 and genotype G/G χ2=1.4; P=0.3), which means that the studied polymorphism of Ile462Val in the CYP1A1 gene may have a certain contribution to the mechanisms of formation of these pathologies in Uzbekistan.
Библиографические ссылки
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